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1. Date and Place:


The Festival will be held in Guwahati capital city of the State Assam and will held between 7th to 9th February 2025.


2. Sections:


The following sections will be held:


I. Competition Section:


    a. North East India Feature Films​


II. Non competition Section:


    a. Asian Cinema


The feature films will be shortlisted by the preview committee from the list of films submitted by curator/advisor.


    b. Country Focus

​The Festival reserves the right to exclude films which are not in conformity with aims of the Festival, or which could offend the national feelings and susceptibilities of any participating country, or are likely to promote racial discrimination.

Competition Section:

3. Rules & Regulations:

3.1.This competition is meant for different languages of North East Indian feature films only.


3.2 They must have been completed between 1st September 2022 and 31st August 2024. Eligibility period will be determined by the Censor certificate issued by Government of India or an affidavit submitted by the producer for the yet to censor films.  Maximum four feature films will be considered from the eligible entries and the decision of the selection committee will be final. One of the producers and directors should be an Indian. The entry form for the competition should be submitted by the producer or right holder, who should have the right to sanction the participation of the film in competition in the Festival. 


3.3. The entry form along with two screeners (Mp4 or vimeo link), Synopsis (two copies in A4 size paper) not exceeding in one page should reach the festival office on or before 30th November 2024. 

4. Awards:

(i) Best North East Indian Feature Film:  Total Prize money Rs. 1.00 Lakhs to be shared between the Producer and the director equally, a memento, a certificate to the director and a certificate to the producer. 


(ii) Best Director: Total Prize money Rs. 50 thousand to be given to the director along with a  trophy and a certificate.


(iii) Special Jury Award:  Memento and Certificate of appreciation . 

5. Entry Fee:

Applicants need to pay an entry fee as for the following deadlines.


(i) Early Bird (before 5th November 2024): ₹2500

(ii) Last Deadline (20th November 2024):  â‚¹4000

6. Dispatch of Screening Material:

6.1. Films selected for exhibition in the Festival must reach the Festival office at Guwahati on or before 15th December2024.  The MP4 format of the film should be sent by courier only and the AWB No. must be intimated immediately after the dispatch.  The Festival is not responsible for any shipments that are diverted to other cities in India.


6.2. After close of the Festival, the MP4 format will be returned through Courier mode at the cost of the Festival, to the entrants or to his duly authorised representative mentioned in the Entry Form.

7. General:

7. 1. Only North East Indian Feature films are accepted for the competition. Documentaries or short films are not accepted.


7.2. Films not presenting sufficient technical qualities for good public screening can be refused.


7.3. Only English subtitled Screening materials are accepted for languages other than English.


7.4.The participants must ensure that they have the right to participate in the Festival with regard to parties connected with the production /  distribution of the participating film and / or other right holders/licenses.


7.5. The selection of the films by the committee will be final and no representation will be entertained from the producer who is submitting the film in case if his/her film is not selected.


7.6. Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of the above Regulations.

8. Correspondence and Shipping Address:

All correspondence, publicity materials, video cassettes and Screening materials should be addressed to:


Festival Director 

1st Guwahati Asian Film Festival

2H, Light House Towers, Kharghuli, Guwahati 781004 

Assam, India

Ph: 8638160110/ 8472010842

E-mail :

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